Focus of the Month: Aerial Lifts

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” header_text_color=”#282466″] We never want our employees to get injured. Period.   Unfortunately, employees are injured far too often while performing their work.  Preventing injuries must be our main concern, especially in situations where the equipment, like aerial lifts, exposes workers to additional hazards.  Whether […]

General Industry Focus of the Month: Walking-Working Surfaces

New OSHA Fixed Ladder Requirements & Walking-Working Surface Safety Falls from ladders often lead to serious injuries.  In an effort to protect workers from the hazards of falls from fixed ladders, requirements from OSHA seek to fixed-ladder-related fall incidents.  While these regulations did reduce the number of injuries, OSHA realized that many of the requirements […]

PPE Focus of the Month: Harnesses and Lanyards For Fall Protection

PPE Focus of the Month: Harnesses and Lanyards For Fall Protection How well have you trained your employees to use their OSHA fall protection systems?  Do they know what to look for when inspecting their harnesses and lanyards?  Can they identify suitable anchor points?  Do they know how to select lanyards that are the correct […]

Fall Protection Systems in Boom and Scissor Lifts

Fall Protection Systems

Construction Focus of the Month:  Fall Protection Fall Protection Systems in Boom and Scissor Lifts Ladders are convenient for getting up to or down from scaffolds and elevated platforms; they should not be used to perform work at any significant height, though.  The chances of falling and sustaining injuries increase dramatically since they can be […]

Status Of OSHA’s “Volks” Recordkeeping Rule Repeal

Status Of OSHA’s “Volks” Recordkeeping Rule Repeal The Volks Rule is named for the 2012 case, Volks Constructors v. Secretary of Labor, in which the U.S Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that OSHA did not have the authority to issue citations to employers who failed to keep records beyond the original […]

OSHA Crane Regulations & Chicago Crane License Requirements

OSHA Crane Regulations & Chicago Crane License Requirements Updated crane regulations in the city of Chicago went into effect in March 2016, which added crane classifications and requirements for certification for operators of any lift or hoist with a capacity of 2,000 pounds or more. The Chicago crane license requirements were, in part, based on […]

Who Is Responsible For Protecting Temporary Employees?

protecting temporary employees

What Are My Responsibilities In Protecting Temporary Employees? If your company hires temporary employees to work on job sites or in your facility, it’s critical to understand your responsibilities in protecting those temporary workers. Even when you hire through a staffing agency and the workers are employees of that agency, your company is what OSHA […]

OSHA Hazard Communication Standard | What’s in a Label?

OSHA Hazard Communication Standard

OSHA Hazard Communication Standard | What’s in a Label? If you were to ask your employees to explain the information on a HazCom label, would they be able to?  Even employees who were thoroughly trained in HazCom requirements can forget significant information, especially if they do not use it regularly. No one wants to find […]

Chemical Resistant Gloves Are Critical For Full Protection

Chemical Resistant Gloves

Chemical Resistant Gloves Are Critical For Full Protection Chemicals are a necessary part of many of employers’ operations. We try to protect our employees the best that we can by substituting less dangerous chemicals when possible, engineering controls to minimize exposures, and implementing administrative controls to further reduce exposures. Despite those controls, though, employees still […]

Revised OSHA Standard For Beryllium Exposure Take Effect Soon

OSHA Beryllium Exposure Standard

Revised OSHA Standard For Beryllium Exposure Take Effect Soon It’s been 40 years since OSHA established the first Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for beryllium. In the intervening decades, we’ve learned a great deal more about how beryllium exposure affects workers and their health. A new Final Rule regulating workplace exposure in general industry, shipyards, and […]

OSHA Training Requirements – Language Guidelines

OSHA Training Requirements

What Languages Must My Company Provide to Meet OSHA Training Requirements? If your work force includes people who use English as a second language (ESL), you’ve probably asked this question, and the answers you received may not have been particularly helpful. Although OSHA does try to make its regulations understandable, there are definitely situations where […]

Trenching and Excavation Safety Begin With Planning & Training

Excavation and Trenching Safety

Trenching and Excavation Safety Begins With Planning & Training A worker climbs into a trench to do a simple task they’ve done hundreds of times in the past. Maybe they’re aligning a pipe or tightening a connection. Suddenly, the soil around them breaks free, following the path of least resistance, flooding the bottom of the […]