OSHA Compliance Consulting

Amerisafe Group is consistently working with clients to develop OSHA-required programs.

These programs are tailored both to the individual client’s needs but also to legal requirements. We help to aid as a guide to the implementation of both OSHA regulations and client requirements. These programs openly outline both employee and employer responsibility, accountability, and authority within each location.

Minimizing or eliminating workplace hazards does not need to be time-consuming or expensive per se, but protocols do need to be in place. Awareness of possible workplace hazards can increase productivity, prevent illness and injury, reduce days off, and ultimately these protocols can save lives.


OSHA Compliance is Not Just a Good Idea—It's the Law!

OSHA compliance standards are regulations that describe the procedures employers must use to protect their employees from hazards. There are four groups of OSHA compliance standards: General Industry, Construction, Maritime, and Agriculture. Every workplace has OSHA regulations, and these procedures need to be developed adequately to meet legal requirements. Amerisafe works to help your company improve safety and health programs through our OSHA compliance consulting services.

Companies that properly manage occupational safety and health will always position themselves to function more efficiently. These companies most often experience decreases in worker turnover, lower insurance rates, and higher levels of employee productivity; all of these factors work together to improve company profitability. The National Safety Council reports that for every $1 an employer invests in safety, a $3 to $6 return on investment is made.

OSHA Compliance Consulting - Amerisafe can help!

OSHA Compliance Consulting

OSHA's 5 Workplace Hazards

Safety hazards involve any condition, material, or article that can injure workers. In many workplaces, this can include liquid spills on floors, hallways/corridors blocked by boxes, cords, office furniture, and any other material that could trip an employee or hinder a safe and timely building evacuation. Falls from substantial heights, equipment with moving parts, confined quarters, and electrical hazards (such as faulty wiring or overloaded circuits) are a few more examples of OSHA regulations and safety hazards
Chemical hazards include non-biological substances that have the potential to cause harm to employee health. Employees can be exposed to chemicals in all forms (liquids, gases/vapors and fumes, and solid particulate materials). Some examples of chemical hazards would be fiberglass, corrosive acids, pesticides and insecticides, fumes from welding, carbon monoxide, and many more.

Biological hazards involve natural materials employees may come in contact with that pose a threat to employee health. Employees working with others, animals, or infectious materials can be exposed to these biological hazards. If they are exposed, protocols need to be in place to protect the employee. Blood, fungi, mold, viruses, and animal droppings are all examples of the types of biological hazards a worker can encounter on the job. We continue to see how dangerous biological hazards can be with regard to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Physical hazards are hazards that can injure an employee regardless of physical contact or specific proximity. Examples of physical hazards would be radiation, extreme temperature conditions (hot and cold), and consistent sound exposure.

Ergonomic hazards are defined as hazards that cause wear and tear on the body that can likely lead to injury. These workplace injuries can develop over more extended time periods and can often go unnoticed for the majority of their duration. Ergonomic hazards occur when employee work is repetitive, physically limiting, or poses certain strains to the body. Examples of ergonomic hazards would be stress, stationary position, forced posture, and repetitive body movements.

OSHA Compliance Consulting

Accident Prevention

While no company can prevent 100 percent of workplace accidents, we feel that a majority of these accidents can be prevented by taking proper precautions. Our objective is to be a helping hand for companies looking to create and uphold a safe workplace for every employee. We want to do more than just help prevent accidents. We want to help our clients develop fully realized, safe, and effective protocols for their work environments. Your employees will gain knowledge and insight into best practices for a vast array of safety issues. This awareness allows business integrity and profitability to continue to take precedent.

Our clients can rely on the highly experienced OSHA safety compliance consultants at Amerisafe to deliver incomparable occupational safety and health management services.

Workplace accidents need to be taken very seriously. Not only because of the injured employee’s needs but also for workers that might have been involved, witnesses, OSHA investigators, insurance personnel, company attorneys, and more. If a workplace accident were to happen, Amerisafe would work with company leadership and OSHA to conduct a comprehensive investigation and deliver our client’s possible corrective actions to implement. These actions will improve workplace safety, as well as employee retention and health.

Amerisafe utilizes our compliance consultant experts to determine underlying issues that might have led to the workplace accident. Once these issues are discovered, we work with our clients to determine best practices that either mitigate or erase that risk in the future. Amerisafe takes pride in our many years of experience as OSHA compliance consultants. Our procedures are a product of our expert staff and experience combined. As your workplace continues to grow, accidents may happen. And if so, we are here to help you avoid unnecessary risk, fines, or other OSHA regulations and penalizations.

OSHA Compliance Consulting

Extensive Safety Consulting

Regardless of how far an employer’s safety program has come, Amerisafe is there to help grow and support your company. We can guarantee your program not only meets but surpasses OSHA regulations. If an OSHA audit were to occur, Amerisafe could provide you with direct support.

Amerisafe provides:

  • An all-inclusive service that exceeds your safety needs and OSHA regulations safety requirements, allowing your workplace to become safer and more productive. These services include many components, including safety training, safety training program development, high-level safety consulting, and more.

  • Highly qualified OSHA safety compliance consultants that are deeply dedicated to giving extremely high standards of service. Our compliance consultants will travel to your site to personally ensure that you receive efficient services that have been uniquely adapted to the specific complexities of your company.

Our Training Benefits

Safety and Health Services and Training

Amerisafe OSHA safety training compliance consultants are not just trained to identify workplace safety and health hazards, but they can also offer expert opinions regarding efficiency improvement in the workplace.

Our compliance consultant experts work with clients directly to understand needs specific to the workplace. We take the time to look at all existing workplace hazards, potential hazards, and the likelihood of occurrence. Clients can voice their issues with our consultants, and our compliance consultants will, in turn, create fully realized plans and protocols that effectively help to prevent workplace hazards. We have the experience and credibility to advise our clients on what choices need to be made and what protocols should be implemented.

We also offer our clients Workplace Safety Assessment packages. These assessments expand your company’s ability to ensure compliance with OSHA compliance standards and workplace requirements. Amerisafe will connect your business with compliance consultants in the field of workplace safety training. With these lines of communication established, the door is open to many different possibilities for you. As your business grows and changes, so do OSHA requirements and policies. Our goal is to best inform our clients of up-to-date OSHA compliance standards and best practices to apply.

Ensuring the health and safety of your employees is the moral, logical, and ethical thing to do. But it is also required federally. Amerisafe consultants are devoted to helping your business, both economically and legally. Our safety assessments create an understanding for employees, which diminishes hazards that could create an accidental loss scenario for your business. The workplace safety training courses that we offer allow every business member to learn proper protocol and safety compliance standards.

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Why Work With Amerisafe?

Why Choose Amerisafe Group for OSHA Compliance Consulting?

The Amerisafe team is well known for providing our clients with comprehensible plans, fully realized, and go above and beyond basic OSHA compliance. We are a company made up of real humans, and as a client, you would expect to talk to these humans instead of an automated system. Our customer service is exceptional at solving client problems and creating open and direct lines of communication between ourselves and our clients.

As we continue to help many companies with their OSHA inspections, protocols, safety consulting, safety programs, and so much more, it is crucial to recognize that there is no single correct path to take when looking for solutions. Amerisafe compliance consultants take the time to create tailored solutions that exceed client expectations.


OnPoint Industrial Services has acquired
Amerisafe Group!

Read the announcement here.