OSHA Compliance: Why Routine Inspections are So Important

A major goal of every organization is to actively avoid OSHA citations. This goal makes sense to most employers as OSHA citations are a major setback and can leave a lasting negative impression on a business. Some companies believe maintaining the bare minimum of annual training and displaying OSHA posters around the workplace will be […]

Help Set Up Your Existing Safety Team for Long Term Success

Establishing a safety team within an organization is a solid step in the right direction toward continuous safety excellence. But many organizations make the mistake of pulling back and leaving the team to their own devices after kick-off. This is the quickest way a strong vision loses focus. Tapping natural safety leaders to form a […]

Safety Management: The Limits on What Your Insurance Company Actually Does

Many organizations believe the coverage and advice provided by their insurance company is adequate to cover the safety of their employees. This is true in that insuring an organization and its employees are necessary parts of doing business and that the coverage provided can help a company after an incident has occurred. But an insurance […]

Save Time & Money: Automate Your New Hire and Ongoing Employee Training

smart asian engineer manager with safety uniform checking site construction with steel and concrete structure background with virtual monitor screen system control

Maintaining accurate records for employee training participation is a challenge as much as it is a necessity. Many organizations struggle to find the perfect method to both make trainings widely available and to ensure those trainings are completed. And these metrics are important—organizations need to fall within specific state and federal guidelines while establishing employees […]

Sustainable Safety Comes Through Your Culture, Not Your Policies

Organizational leaders tend to fixate on injury totals to highlight safety success. This is because injury totals provide a simple metric to easily track without spending time thinking about the health of an organization’s safety program. It encourages leaders to create a policy to prevent an injury after an injury has already happened. And this […]

5 Things Leadership Needs to Understand About Safety

Many organizational leaders underestimate the potential of making safety a priority for their business. These leaders disregard safety out of hand due to preconceived notions about the limited benefits provided by safety. These same leaders generally only pay attention to safety to track if injuries are suddenly spiking or if there are obvious OSHA violations […]

5 Warnings Your Current Safety Program is Slipping

Trusting when to stay the course during hard times is an admirable trait in a leader. But equally important is understanding a red flag versus a hardship. Identifying the difference between a minor hardship and a major warning sign — especially in safety — differentiates the good decision-makers from the foolhardy ones. Because staying the […]

Industry Standards: Are You OK Being Near-Average When It Comes to Injuries?

Taking care of physical injury at work!

Few companies strive to be average. It’s a poor business ideal that sets expectations too low to create year-over-year growth and profit. Because average is a static state. It doesn’t win awards, create momentum, or bolster prestige. And any company willing to settle for being average would have their commitment called into question. Yet many […]

What to Expect During an OSHA Inspection (and How to Prepare)

Safety audit in oil field operation.

A quick way to sound off internal alarms throughout an organization is the announcement that an OSHA inspector has arrived. The perception that surrounds OSHA inspections tends to trend negatively even though the inspections provide necessary oversight and guidance to many businesses and industries. These negative perceptions tend to cause panic in workplaces leading to […]

Proactive or Reactive: Prevent Injuries Today or Clean Up Tomorrow?

Teamwork foreman man and woman wearing protection face mask and safety helmet using laptop and holding clipboard checking containers in cargo ship for import export, Industrial container cargo concept.

Safety is purely a numbers game for some employers. These decision-makers treat safety as a budget to be balanced via a tally of metrics at the end of each quarter or semi-annual cycle. The system they employ generally uses injury totals, workers compensation payouts, and OSHA citations to dictate where the company’s safety budget should […]

A Safe Investment: Spend a Fraction of What You’ll Save — in Lives and Money

A prevailing principle in business is that business-owners need to spend money to make money. This adage is brought up to refer to business costs that seem obvious — advertising costs, overhead, materials, and prime real estate. But one avenue rarely mentioned in this discussion is safety.  Many executives and decision makers are more than […]