Safety Update: White House Issues New Rules on Vaccines

image of the White House

[September 10, 2021] – President Biden imposed new vaccine rules on Thursday affecting federal workers, large employers, and health care staff. These new requirements could apply to as many as 100 million Americans. As your safety partner, we to ensure you are aware of these recent changes. Key elements of the new plans include: OSHA […]

Bring Safety Home: How to Develop a Home Emergency Plan

Emergency plan or Disaster Preparedness on the desk.

Emergencies are unpredictable. They put lives and resources in danger at a moment’s notice. Which is why so much time and effort is used to develop emergency plans in the workplace. Proper planning is the buffer that mitigates the impact of emergencies, saves lives and resources, and keeps organizations prepared. Employees are familiar with the […]

5 Tips to Improve Forklift Safety

female forklift driver training

Workers take notice when large pieces of heavy machinery are brought onto a worksite to complete part of a project. These machines require special attention, loading and unloading requirements, use by specific operators, careful operation procedures, and plenty of space. They make their presence known as soon as they show up and workers snap to […]

Talking in Circles: Is Your Company Sending Mixed Safety Messages?

The warning sign is posted on the cyclone fence bordering the construction site.

Signs, pamphlets, talks, and meetings all tell a story about safety. But it’s up to an organization to determine whether that story is fact or fiction. Employers run into issues when there is a clear disconnect between the company’s safety message and their safety reality. Employees are the first to take notice when an organization’s […]

Help Supervisors Find Their Voice and Boost On-Site Safety Communication

Business colleagues using digital tablet at factory

Clear communication keeps worksites safe and injuries low. Morning safety briefings and regular one-on-ones alert workers to pressing safety concerns and focus the team to watch out for each other and pay attention to the tasks at hand. But not all supervisors are naturally gifted communicators. It’s difficult to follow along while listening to a […]

How On-Site Safety Coaching Elevates Your Safety Training

Dedicated safety training is necessary for every organization. These safety sessions are set up as immersive experiences by design because the knowledge employees gain is fundamental to keep themselves and others safe on the job. Workers that attend safety training courses are able to dig into the material without distractions to fully engage with the […]

Top Ways to Combat Safety Fatigue

A tired construction worker wiped his head

Humans can only operate at peak efficiency for so long. We eventually work through so many tasks and decisions during the day that we reach a point of mental exhaustion. It’s during these points of mental overload that critical decision-making becomes more lax and we take on a higher tolerance for risk. This diminished acuity […]

Turn OSHA Top 10 Lists into Site-Specific Action Plans

Turning dreams into winning designs

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) publishes an updated list of the top 10 most cited standards from data collected during the previous year. The list is created both from data collected directly by OSHA and from other sources of labor statistics to provide transparency and insight into the most common safety issues plaguing […]

How Good Are Your Team’s Safety Briefings and How Can They Be Better?

Construction Workers Huddle

Keeping worker safety at the front and center is key to keep projects on track and on budget. And it’s more likely for safety to remain a priority when the whole team is aligned on expectations and duties at the start of every workday. Because quality communication is a fundamental pillar for continued safety success. […]

Top 5 Things That Should Happen the Minute OSHA Shows Up

The sudden arrival of an OSHA inspector immediately changes the energy at any facility. Employees and supervisors alike tend to be more on edge with an OSHA official on-site which can make the inspection more difficult and unpredictable. This can make the entire process much more difficult for an organization. A proactive culture of safety […]

How Optimum Partners with Your Existing Safety Team to Deliver Lasting Results

Multi ethic workers talking at construction site reviewing plans

Every business has a specialty that makes it unique within its field. Every business also relies on fundamental capabilities to perform their necessary functions. A company needs to strike a balance between maintaining those fundamental capabilities such as accounting, tax services, licensing, and safety to be able to fully capitalize on their unique specialties. Employers […]