Hazard Communication: Major Changes and Effective Dates

As you should know, in December of 2013 OSHA began implementing the Globally Harmonized System in which the information for hazardous materials is communicated consistently across all borders of the globe.  The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling Chemicals (GHS) is expected to prevent injuries and illnesses and improve the knowledge of hazards throughout […]

Criminal OSHA Charges Brought Against Operations Director and Safety Manager

OSHA Legal Update

A recent OSHA Legal Update from Matt Horn of SmithAmundsen discussed recent charges brought against an operations director and safety manager. “On October 11, 2013, an employee at a Bumble Bee Foods plant in California entered a large oven used to sterilize cans to make an adjustment inside the oven. While the employee was in the oven, […]

Optimum Safety Management President to Present at FCA Leadership Council

Optimum Safety News

At Optimum Safety Management, we feel that it is important to demonstrate and present the true return on safety™ to a wide variety of industries. This is why, after a successful breakout session at the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Safety and Environmental Management Workshop, we would like to announce a new presentation at a new conference.

A Map You’d Hate to Be On: Global Worker Watch Fatality Map

Workplace Fatality Interactive Map

You know the Severe Violator Enforcement Program by OSHA, featuring over 400 of the companies cited for some of the worst violations of the OSH Act. However, one group has looked to ramp up the awareness and shame for companies who fail to protect workers.  Announced on April 28, Workers’ Memorial Day, this movement is […]

April 28: International Workers’ Memorial Day

Workers Memorial Day 2015

In 2013, 4,400 workers were killed on the job in the United States alone. Understandably, this is down significantly from the 14,000 fatally injured in 1970, the year in which the Occupational Health and Safety Act passed; but it still means that the equivalent of a town doesn’t come home each year. However, this number […]

The Countdown to Hazard Communication Enforcement

June 1 Hazard Communication Deadline

Tick tock, tick tock… That’s the sound of time running out before the new Hazard Communication Standard.With the next deadline, June 15, 2015 focused on labeling; employers now have just over a year to prepare for the final June 2016 deadline. What’s so important about the next two deadlines, and what should you ask yourself […]

Protecting Temporary Workers: Whistleblower Protection Welcomed

Temporary Worker Whistleblower Protection

From construction to manufacturing to agriculture, the use of temporary workers has always been an important tool for employers looking to complete projects on time. Unfortunately, some employers have—in their quest to save money—used temporary workers irresponsibly.

Incident Reporting Isn’t Just a Management Concern

Importance of Incident Reporting

Employees, imagine this: You’re on the job on a Thursday, and something happens. A small cut, a back strain, or a pulled muscle—no need for immediate attention. You decide that reporting it is unnecessary, decide to wrap it up and go about your day.

Silica Dust, Worker Health, and Prevention


Silica dust was highlighted as a hazard to workers’ lungs long before the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. To put it into perspective, silica dust was noted as a workplace hazard when America was clawing its way out of the Great Depression, Polio was a grave concern, smoking wasn’t considered dangerous, and […]

Safety in the Precast Concrete Industry

Optimum Safety News

Structural, precast concrete production has many befits for the construction and architectural industries. Yet the entire process—from production to shipping—has potential for non-compliance, injury, or citation; especially when workers engage in unsafe or negligent behaviors.

The Shame Game: Five Years of Severe Violator Enforcement Program

Severe Violator Enforcement Program

Nearly five years ago, OSHA launched one of the largest programs to date to highlight employers “who have demonstrated indifference to their OSH Act obligations by willful, repeated, or failure-to-abate violations.” Simply titled the Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP), this program was launched in June 2010 to shame (or disclose) employers who egregiously ignore occupational […]

A Brief Introduction to Experience Modifier Rate

Experience Modifier Rate

EMR, E-Mod, MOD Rate, Experience Rating—whatever you call it, your experience modifier rate affects much more than your annual insurance cost. Understanding and lowering an EMR is pivotal for organizations looking to reduce costs and even gain more bids from the government. Do you know your company’s EMR? Do you know what it means for […]