You Need to Be Safer But Don’t Know Where to Start

When the latest safety numbers come in and an uptick in on-site injuries is noticed, naturally, the alarm bells start ringing. Not only are injuries costly, but continued employee safety and morale are the backbone of quality, efficient work. However, getting to the core of the issue requires dedicated time and resources, which can be difficult to set aside with deadlines and additional work looming overhead. So where does an organization turn when they’re trying to do the right thing but unsure how to start?

Going Outside of The Box for Solutions

An outside perspective from an informed, trusted team of safety experts helps provide additional levels of clarity to a situation that hits too close to home. While searching for answers to rising injury numbers, it can be easy to become lost in the individual incidents, focusing too closely on minutiae or individual responsibility, rather than uncovering the root cause of the issue.

Teaming with safety professionals, like those at Amerisafe, brings in trained experts who provide an objective view to contextualize injuries through specific KPIs. Through the P3 Safety Culture Analysis™, Amerisafe utilizes all of the available data to inform their conclusions, allowing these professionals to uncover how an increase in injuries relates to specific gaps in safety knowledge, and provide tools — like detailed training and workshops — to pinpoint and fill those exact gaps. Because the context around the issues an organization faces can be as important as the safety issue itself, ACSS directly informs which solutions will work best to address the underlying cause, creating a path for a solution that does not fundamentally disrupt how an organization completes their work.

A Bespoke Action Plan for Your Organization

What really makes ACSS’s P3 Safety Culture Analysis™ work is that it provides solutions tailored to individual organizations. Rather than showing up with a blanket solution, or a binder of lessons to throw at the wall and see what sticks, Amerisafe shows up to learn — about an organization’s process, their culture, and their goals — to get a full picture of the organization as a whole, outside of a specific incident.

By gaining an understanding of what makes an organization tick, Amerisafe is able to infer what a culture of safety looks like for that organization and find solutions that empower that culture. While there are a number of general safety practices across industries and teams, what works for one organization may not always work for another. But every organization needs solutions, and their employees deserve a safe working environment. It’s that ideal that drives the P3 Safety Culture Analysis™ — not searching for the catch-all safety solution, but searching for the safety solution that works best for your organization.

Amerisafe provides the information and services to help companies develop safety leaders and improve overall safety performance. For more information on how our team can assist with your businesses’ safety needs, contact an expert today.


OnPoint Industrial Services has acquired
Amerisafe Group!

Read the announcement here.