Selecting an OSHA Response Team

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Perhaps the most important step in preparing for an OSHA inspection is selecting the response team. Creating a team of both internal and external partners who can respond when an OSHA inspector arrives at the facility will help your entire organization prepare for success.


Here are the three parties you need on your OSHA response team:

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  1. Internal Responders: These internal team members should include, at least, the location/site manager and safety director. Any additional members should be decided among the company’s leadership team. Think about the individuals who will be most responsible for managing the circumstances beyond the intial investigation. Those are the people who should be involved from the very beginning.
  2. Legal Counsel: We cannot emphasize the importance of having a legal team experienced in navigating OSHA inspections. We’ve worked with several skilled lawyers and have seen the
    value of previous experience. If you’re looking for references to experienced OSHA attorneys, please contact us. In any circumstance, having a skilled lawyer managing your case will help to create the best outcome for your organization.
  3. Safety Consultant: Again, experienced professionals will be incredible assets in navigating the inspection process. When you involve an experienced safety consultant, you invite the expertise of someone who’s not only walked through the process before, but has done so repeatedly with success. This is where our team at Optimum can be of help to you. We navigate OSHA inspections on a regular basis and have a proven track record of successfully mitigating citations. For more information on OSHA inspection services, please contact us.

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Once the response team has been identified, make sure all administrative staff has a list of all team members and their contact information. We’ve found it helpful to include names and direct contact information of the safety team on the bottom of an OSHA inspection checklist. This checklist should include a step-by-step guide for administrative employees to follow when an inspector arrives. Having contact information readily available will only help the process to occur efficiently.

If you have questions or need assistance in navigating an OSHA inspection, please do not hesitate to call us at 630.759.9908 or contact us here.



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