Productivity vs. Safety: What Wins? Employee Perception INFOGRAPHIC

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Does Productivity Trump Safety? The National Safety Council asked this question to 2,000 workers in 2015 and the results are shocking. One third of workers in America believe productivity is of higher importance in their workplace than safety.


“The percentage was even higher among employees in high-risk industries. Sixty percent of respondents in the construction industry, and 52% of those working in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, felt safety was less of a priority than finishing tasks.”


These beliefs shape the way your workers perform their job. While employers may think their employees are safe, the truth is, 4,500 men and women died from workplace injuries annually. That’s 4,500 individuals who believed they were returning home to their families that night. These are not just discrepancies in percentages, these are real people whose lives are highly valued.

At Optimum, our driving vision is to see workers everywhere valued and safe. This involves everything from the policies in place to the way supervisors instruct their employees.


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How Do You Know if Productivity is Winning in Your Facility?


Our team at Optimum has constructed a 25-question perception survey to identify the missing links between your employees and supervisors. Let’s look at an example: “The safety and health goals and supporting objectives are effectively communicated to employees.” On a scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree, how would you answer this question? Now how would a middle manager answer the question? How about the employees on the front line? Differences in perceptions lead to the statistics shown in the graphic and a 4-0 win for Productivity over Safety. The same does not need to be true in your facility.


Contact us today to learn how we can conduct a perception survey in your facility.



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Supporting Articles:

OSHA Worker Fatalities Reports

National Safety Council – One Third of American Workers Say Their Employers Prioritize Productivity Over Safety



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