Expert Tips on How to Promote a Safety Culture Your Employees Will Stand Behind

A successful safety culture can save you millions – a culture of safety-minded employees will be actively participating in the creation, implementation, and monitoring of safety procedures in the workplace. However, that looks much tidier on paper than it is to implement in the real complexities of a multi-faceted business. So, how do you create […]

Reasons for an OSHA Inspection

There are four typical reasons an OSHA Inspector would come to your facility: OSHA inspections should always be on your radar, especially if you are operating in a high-risk industry. The frequency of OSHA inspections is consistently high – with over 73,000 State and federal inspections conducted in 2018, alone. They’ve also received an extra […]

How to Implement a Timely Safety Culture Program for Any Business

How to Implement a Timely Safety Culture Program for Any Business We have extensive material covering safety culture and safety programs within various different organizations – but what if you need to implement a safety culture within your business today? Here’s the true (and slightly disappointing) reality: real change takes time. Management must understand the […]

5 Ways to Get Leadership on Board with Safety Culture in a Company

Creating and maintaining a strong safety culture throughout a company is imperative – and doubly so in an industry that puts its workers at higher risk for injury on a daily basis. However, the detracting caveat to creating such a culture is the need for the entire company to buy-in to the idea. The most […]

Why Risk Management for Construction Companies Is Crucial for Growth

Why Risk Management for Construction Companies Is Crucial for Growth In construction, risk management cannot go ignored. In the words of Sir Michael Latham, “No construction project is risk-free. Risk can be managed, minimized, shared, transferred, or accepted – It cannot be ignored.” Large projects and machinery, increasing stakeholders, expensive equipment, dangerous work, labor shortages, […]

Metal Fabrication Safety – How to Keep the Shop Safe

Workers in the metal fabrication industry are often exposed to high-risk activities, such as welding ferrous materials. A single day on the job in a metal fabrication facility will quickly and visibly show you the frequency in which dangerous tasks are carried out in tandem. If you work in or manage a metal fabrication facility, […]

Business Leaders Agree Safety Is Important – Then Why Is Industry Average Acceptable?

Business Leaders Agree Safety Is Important – Then Why Is Industry Average Acceptable? Many, if not all, business leaders can strongly affirm safety is important in their organization. However, only 33% of senior safety leaders believed they had the safety culture needed for their company.1 As an account executive for a safety consulting firm, I […]

Precast Plant Safety Assessment – Why It’s Important

Precast Plant Safety Assessment – Why It’s Important Precast plants deal with a unique set of risks. Specifically, precast concrete is highly caustic, making it a dangerous material for workers to use at the risk of skin burns and falling or crushing damage.  Because of the scale and risks associated with precast concrete, hazards are […]

Why Workplace Safety Programs Are Important

Why Workplace Safety Programs Are Important Workplace safety programs seem to be considered more of a nuisance than an opportunity for most organizations. We’ve found that this is mostly due to a misunderstanding of why these programs are so important to an organization, and how these programs are actually beneficial.  If you’re faltering in your […]

Expert Tips: Safety Committee Best Practices Every Workplace Should Follow

Expert Tips: Safety Committee Best Practices Every Workplace Should Follow Safety committees often get a bad rep for being a group of inaction – doing a whole lot of talking without actually accomplishing anything substantial. Unfortunately… we’ve found this stereotype to be true in most cases. Fortunately, with a little tweaking, your safety committee can […]

Why Company Safety Culture Has to Start at the Top

Why Company Safety Culture Has to Start at the Top Company safety culture has to start at the top – because ultimately, employees follow behavior modeled by senior leadership. Safety is not an option. It is a practice which responsible leaders cultivate within the workplace; and, a fundamental right of all employees to possess. However, […]

Is Workplace Safety Culture the Same as Organizational Culture?

Is Workplace Safety Culture the Same as Organizational Culture? We’ve recently been asked the question: “Is safety culture the same as organizational culture?” In a moment where “culture” is a topic of conversation in any workplace context, it’s important to clarify these two concepts. Let’s start with some definitions… Organizational Culture: According to an article […]