Face Shields Proper Usage

Face Shields Proper Usage People are not perfect and often make mistakes.  We take shortcuts, forget how to do things, or become distracted at times when we shouldn’t.  In most aspects of our lives, these are not things that have dire consequences.  At work, however, surrounded by hazards, these types of mistakes can alter lives, […]

Hand and Power Tools Safety

Hand and Power Tools – Quick Inspections Familiarity lulls people into a false sense of safety.  People who perform a task many times without incident begin to think that they are working safely, even when they are not.  They become desensitized to the hazards of the work that they do, and may even begin to […]

Team Approach to Safety: Essential Components

Team Approach to Safety: The Essential Components Integrating safety into the everyday culture of an organization can be a difficult task. We fully believe the first step in building effective safety management systems is management commitment. The leaders of the organization must be committed to seeing the workers in their facility safe at work. However, […]

First Aid in the Workplace

First Aid in the Workplace, Emergency Action Three minutes is not a lot of time, but it can be the difference between life and death.  When workers are seriously injured, those three minutes can determine if they will be permanently blind, or if they will ever return to their families.  Moments matter.  First aid in […]

OSHA Safety Procedures For Universal Precautions

Focus of the Month: OSHA Safety Procedures For Universal Precautions For businesses that aren’t involved in healthcare, protecting employees against infectious diseases may not seem like a significant, or even necessary component of their safety management system. However, proper OSHA safety procedures are required through an exposure control plan if employees could “reasonably [anticipate] … contact […]

Winter Weather Advice & OSHA’s Walking-Working Surfaces Rule

Winter Weather Advice and Implications of OSHA’s Walking-Working Surfaces Rule The inevitable winter months are fast approaching. While some people are rejoicing for cooler weather, those operating in northern states know the complications it brings for working conditions. Harsh, winter weather, and the layer of ice it will produce, causes hazardous conditions for crews working […]

Noteworthy Occupational Health Exposures

4 Noteworthy Occupational Health Exposures How well protected are your employees from carcinogens and other health hazards?   Like it or not, modern processes and work still require chemicals and substances that can adversely affect the health of our people who are exposed to these known occupational health exposures.  Feasible alternatives just don’t exist.  Therefore, our […]

Respiratory Protective Gear

PPE Focus of the Month:  Respirators – Responsibilities Before Donning the Mask Respirators can provide significant protection to employees exposed to respiratory hazards like fumes and vapors, but they can also create additional hazards if they are used incorrectly.  Therefore, an employee must be medically cleared to wear a respirator, complete a respirator fit test and the employer must […]

Workplace Fire Prevention

Focus of the Month:  Fire Prevention Workplace fires injure many workers each year.  Between 2011 and 2015, more than 9,400 employees were injured by occupational fires according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Their injuries lead to untold tumult, disrupting their lives and their families.  Even in those fortunate cases where no one […]

Is a Hearing Conservation Program Required?

Hearing Conservation Programs: Focus of the Month Hearing Conservation Program The human body is remarkably resilient, recovering from a wide range of injuries with medical intervention.  Unfortunately, our bodies can’t recover from all injuries.  One of those injuries is hearing loss, leading to significant issues for the injured individual on the job and at home.  Employees […]

What it Takes to Build a Great Safety Culture

A Great Safety Culture is Built from the Top Down It’s often said that you must build a safety culture from the ground up, but, in reality, a great safety culture start at the top. For any organization to truly succeed in safety, there must be a strong commitment from management. When the top leaders […]

Top 6 Myths on OSHA’s Silica Rule Debunked

Enforcement Dates for OSHA’s Silica Rule Coming Fast! Construction: September 23, 2017 General Industry: June 23, 2018 As with any new standard that the agency implements, the closer the date comes, the more buzz we hear in the hive.  Nobody likes the Federal Government reaching further into our lives.  However, with OSHA’s Silica Rule, there […]