5 Ways mysafetyAPPS™ Can Help You Succeed

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Your Solution for Maximized Safety Compliance

Safety compliance can be a large and expensive task with many moving parts. Required trainings and mandatory paperwork alone are enough to overwhelm even the most organized individuals. So what if there was an easier way? We see the increasing complications with safety compliance and we’ve created a solution: mysafetyAPPS™. mysafetyAPPS™ (MSA) is an online and app-based program designed to maximize your investment in training. Let’s look at some of the best features:

5 Ways MSA Can Help You Succeed:

  1. Weekly Tool Box Talks Available Any Time

All ToolBox Talks are housed within the servers of mysafetyAPPS™ and are delivered straight to your task list each week. Employees have access to these trainings and even better, you can see when trainings are completed. Records of training will be kept for future reference, but we’ll talk about that later…

  1. New Hire Orientations Customized for Your Company

We realize employees can come and go relatively quick, especially when temporary workers are considered. Now, you no longer have to question what trainings are required. Our team will work with you to customize a New Hire Orientation Training and you’ll be ready to go!

  1. Compatible with Your Favorite Technology

We get it, some workers prefer Mac over PC or tablets over laptops, so mysafetyAPPS™ works on all these devices (smartphones, too!). Compatibility across technology platforms allows you to access training regardless of your location. Sitting at a desk? Waiting for your order at your favorite fast-food joint? mysafetyAPPS™ works anywhere!

  1. Certifications and Training Records at Your Fingertips

Not sure if you finished your Ladder Safety training? mysafetyAPPS™ holds on to your certifications and training records so you don’t have to remember or take a guess. When it comes to safety, training is no joke – although a few jokes can make trainings fun. Having your records available can save time and energy, and in the end, allows you to keep doing your job.

  1. Utilizes Nano Training to Maximize Your Time Investment

When most people hear the word ‘training’, they think of hours spent in a classroom a few times each year. Nano (micro) training is the opposite. It’s all about highlighting important ideas or concepts in a short time and targeting the ‘need to know’ information. Big benefits include:

  • More frequent training (weekly safety topics versus annual trainings)
  • Focused, bit-sized information – enough to get the important concepts across without an ‘information dump,’ common in classroom and formal training sessions.
  • Easier to schedule – it’s a lot easier to rotate employees through nano trainings than it is to close operations for an entire day.


All of these elements are specifically included to help foster a safety culture where everyone is involved. Conversations regarding safety don’t occur once each year and end there, they are incorporated into weekly operations. When employees are involved in the discussion, they will begin to take ownership in the problem and cultivate solutions. Creating a culture built around safety is no small task, but having the entire organization involved can help produce awareness, responsiveness and innovation.

This is only a small picture of the possibilities available with mysafetyAPPS™. Curious about how mysafetyAPPS™ could work with your organization? We’d love to show you around! Contact us today to start your journey towards compliance consolidation!


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OnPoint Industrial Services has acquired
Amerisafe Group!

Read the announcement here.